Chasing that feeling of calmness and composure

I often get asked how to make mindfulness concepts more practical and useful.  Usually, it's in the form of an "OK, I've meditated, now what?" question.

On this episode, I shared my experience in using the concept of equanimity as a guiding light to help me through the most challenging days.  I kept hearing this word during guided meditations and articles on mindfulness and reflected and wrote about what it meant for me and how to make it practical.

So today, when post-meditation I ask myself - "What feeling am I chasing?", the answer on the challenging days is equanimity.  I'm chasing that state of calmness and composure where I'm at my best.  This means I can better solve problems, manage myself and lead others.

What's interesting is now that chasing this feeling has become a habit, my past experience plays a big role in helping me get back to equanimity.  I've shared this in a snippet from the podcast episode below.

You can do it too, pick a mindfulness concept that resonates with you and list the small steps you need to take to get there.

Over time the habit will build and you'll strengthen your mindfulness practice and become more resilient.